Change Your Relationship With Your Business,
Change Your Relationship With Yourself
Creating a business from the ground up is no easy task, my friend. My hat is off to you.
When I started on this business adventure, I was pretty confident that I could figure it out by myself. I had 20 years of corporate work experience under my belt, as well as a number of different certifications in accounting, coaching, business operations and leadership.
And the truth is, I did figure it out.
But it took me a long time.
A lot longer than I expected. And it was a lot lonelier than I expected, too.
So I decided to become the Business Coach for you that wasn’t available to me when I first started out.
Looking back, I now realize that “I can figure this out on my own” is one of those limiting beliefs that got in the way of my business growth. It was coming from a place of money scarcity and self-doubt. When you’re just starting out, it is natural to have those doubts. However, it would have been nice to have someone in my corner who could support me, be a sounding board, offer alternate perspectives, and keep me focused on the vision.
In our coaching partnership, we will work together to identify and eliminate those limiting thoughts that are holding you back from achieving your dreams. As a certified Life Coach, an accounting professional, and a LEAN Green Belt process improvement specialist, I have worked as a mentor and business coach for 20 years in the corporate world.
Through this experience, I have discovered that my true passion is working with individuals one-on-one to help them define and achieve their own version of success. This is what led me to mindset coaching.
My passion for helping female entrepreneurs grow their businesses is what called me to business coaching.
As we gain control over the management of our minds, we are able to translate this into the successful management of our time, our energy, our money – our overall well-being. Often, we feel at the mercy of our circumstances. This program enables you to realize your innate power over the experience of your life.
An expectation of happiness 100% of the time is unrealistic; and in fact, this belief can be limiting. Success depends upon the management of both our negative and positive experiences. We can’t experience one without the other.
We know that we can’t control anyone else, we can only control our own experience. In the words of “Happiness Project” author Gretchen Rubin, “If I’ve learned one thing from my happiness project, it’s that if I want my life to be a certain way, I must be that way myself”.
Managing my mind and emotional resilience were the keys to optimizing my money, time and energy. I can show you how to do the same.

“The goal is not to be better than the other man, but (better than) your previous self.”